Europe Going...Gone!

London Events in May 2014

In 2 month’s time, we will be saying goodbye to 2013. If you are considering a trip to London in May 2014, then read on to get to know what events await you there 🙂 1. Chelsea Flower Show. If you associate the month of May with flowers and love blossoms, then the good news …

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Things to Do When You Travel on a Budget

There are certainly many things you can do when you travel, when you explore a new city or town. While you may think that a trip will always cost you money, there are also things you can do which will mean a minimal cost for you, if at all. Below are some suggestions, based on my …

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Music, Literature and the United Kingdom

When I think about the United Kingdom, two things come to my mind: literature and music. Land of Writers and Musicians. Ever since I first read of William Shakespeare’s literary works during my teen years, his verses and the country where he came from has captured my mind. And as to music, I grew up …

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