Between Steps

The Long Awaited Visitor

Finally, the long awaited visit!
For months now, I’ve heard about the generous Fairy Hobmother whose been spreading joy across the blogosphere. I’ve tried my best following the Fairy Hobmother’s trail on blogs which have been visited. And now, finally, it’s my turn! Yes, my time has finally come!
If you are like me who has been dreaming to get a new washing machine, then let it be known that the Fairy Hobmother could also help make your dream come true!  Leave your comment below and yes, follow the Fairy Hobmother on twitter, too and then wait for that happy visit!


20 thoughts on “The Long Awaited Visitor”

  1. Aww..that’s lucky of you, sis!
    I’ve been wishing for a microwave oven. Hope the generous fairy would be kind enough to grant my wish as well. 🙂

  2. Wow congrats mommy finally the fairyhobmother visited you, I have been doing the same you do but so far the fairy have not visited me yet, you must be lucky…can you tell the fairy to visit my blogs too, I would really like to give my mom a washing machine this coming Christmas…

  3. so lucky of you that the fairy hobmother landed in your blog, i am still waiting for him to land on my other blog for this incoming christmas

  4. We don’t have a washing machine at home, because we just starting a family. I hope the fairy will grant my wish and visit my blog too.

  5. Good things always happen at the right time with God’s graces.. and as what you’ve mentioned there Te Deli that you’ve waited for months, so as to me (LOL), your long wait is over and it did pays you good! Congrats to have you your new washing machine soon!!! And thanks to the Fairyhobmother for being so generous..hope to meet him/her soon..

  6. Congrats Sis. I have been patiently waiting for his visit, hope he’ll drop by my blog also.. I need some fairy dust!

  7. Here again, Lors! Hope to be revisited by the good and generous fairy again so I can buy christmas presents for the family! 🙂

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