It seemed like the year had just started and before we know it, we’re now in the last month of the year. And just like that December is here and it’s Christmas 2022! It’s that time of the year again when we have more than our share of fun and food with family and friends. …
Author: admindel
A Time to Unwind: Online Games, Anyone?
What do you do to unwind? There are, of course, plenty of leisure activities to choose from. Some would go on short trips, read a favorite book, watch a movie, dine out with the family or loved ones while some also unwind by playing games. And that game can be an online one, too. All …
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3 Things to Do to Satisfy that Travel Bug Now
I feel for you. Really. The last trip I took was last December 2019. And that trip was primarily to see a sick friend and to undergo a medical check up. Yup, it was not really for pleasure or relaxation. But I did enjoy that trip having had the opportunity to meet several friends as …