Asia Going...Gone!

Singapore Thoughts

One of the things that impressed me most during my past trips to Singapore is its cleanliness. Its streets were clean. And if you love walking, I would have to add that you would feel safe walking on them as well, as law and order are taken seriously in Singapore.
Singapore may be a more costly city to visit among Asian cities (as compared to those in the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia), but you will enjoy what it also uniquely offers. You will also come to see and appreciate that even if its land area is relatively small compared to other cities and yes, countries, you can have a taste of the best in what it has to offer (food, parks, shopping places, hotel accommodations, entertainment and more).
Singapore, I would say, should be among your list of the top places to visit in Asia 🙂
Note: This post is also linked with BPC.

1 thought on “Singapore Thoughts”

  1. Everybody says so many good things about SG.. I am so curious now! And yes, it is definitely one of my dream places to visit someday. Thanks for joining BPC, Lors!

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