Asia Going...Gone!

Just a Shark Tale

Do you love the ocean? Do you love sharks?
Well, as for me, I love the ocean but I can’t say right here and now that I love sharks. I think they are pretty interesting creatures though. And for me who is not really a swimmer or into scuba diving, my live encounters with this magnificent creature is limited to seeing them in ocean parks 🙂  And one special time of doing so was during visits at the Siam Ocean Wold in Bangkok, Thailand.
During my 1st visit there, it was unfortunate that I did not bring my own camera but thankfully, my friend Jenny did. And so I am able to share some shark photos below 🙂  I’ve also added in some shark facts that I find very interesting 🙂  By the way for more information about this place of ocean creatures, check out my earlier post on Siam Ocean World.
And now for some shark photos taken at Siam Ocean World and shark facts from Discovery Channel (Discovery Communications):

  • You may think of sharks as ravenous, man-eating sea terrorists, but only 20 of the 350+ shark species are known to attack humans.
  • 20% of sharks are close to extinction because of commercial fisheries accidentally catching sharks with their hooks and nets. 
  • Sharks move like airplanes. They create forward movement with their tails (like propellers) and water moves over their fins like wings.


  • Researchers have discovered common objects (tires, gasoline tanks, and license plates) left intact inside the stomachs of tiger sharks.
  • A shark’s size relates to where it hunts: smaller sharks feed near the ocean floor, while larger sharks hunt in the middle ocean depths.
  • Sharks can heat their eyes using a special organ next to a muscle in their eye socket, allowing them to continue hunting in frigid waters.


  • Sharks have an astounding sense of smell, so powerful that they can detect a single drop of blood in an Olympic-sized pool.
  • Although heavily fictionalized, Jaws was based on a real attack in 1916, when 4 people were killed by a shark off the New Jersey coastline.
  • Most sharks live in saltwater, so how do river sharks survive in freshwater? They absorb extra water then urinate into streams around them

By the way, Discovery Channel holds a yearly Shark Week, held every August, when they feature stories and information about sharks.

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