In this part of the world, rice is staple food. The Philippines is said to be the 8th largest rice producer in the world. As you go around the country then (excluding the highly urbanized areas), you will find rice fields frequently invading your view. You will find these rice fields in abundance in Luzon, Western Visayas, Southern Mindanao and Central Mindanao.
There is something about looking at rice fields that somehow relaxes me whenever I have the chance to travel in the countryside. It’s green beauty refreshes my eyes that I even forget that from them comes the rice laid out on our dining table three times a day. Ah, the view of green fields, the blue sky, the white clouds and the solid presence of mountains. These are things that I would love to see as often as I can although I also love living in cities

Note: This post is linked with A Piece of Heaven, Blog Photo Challenge, Skywatch Friday, Green Monday, Scenic Sunday
Very interesting photo! And a wonderful cloudy sky!
Best wishes.
Stella from Hamburg/Germany
oh rice field… i used to work in a ricefield when I was younger….
wow, remember nako kaau ning rice field way back to pinas… nice shot.
My entry:
that looks green and healthy too Sis Deli
I have never see anybody plant a rice yet
that must be so neat
Visiting from #68 of 366 BPC, hope that you can return the visit too.
Nice photo.
Regards and best wishes
Very pretty! I really like the reflection of the sky in the water.
Happy Sky Watch Friday!
Lea’s Menagerie
Oh I miss the smell of the rice field especially if the rice is ripening. I miss planting rice.
I remember those days that I planted a rice since grade 1 till college still planting….from the challenge.
Can’t live without “RICE”- that is a beautiful rice field..
Visiting for #68 challenge- hope you can stop by:)
oh, the beauty of living in the country…fresh air.. fresh food…great shot!
thanks for joining BPC!
thanks for sharing your sky with us
in my home in davao city, theres a rice field close by from our subdivision. i used to walk by it every morning going to school. its not as big as this, but my mom and i used to stop for a minute and look at it. i was only 6years old then, i wonder if its still there. looking at your rice field makes me miss home. =)
from BPC.. heres my entry
we have lots of that here in Antequera te Deli! i love the countryside too!! bpc 68 visit!
I used to be the taga bugay ug bird sa rice field sa ako lola sa Bohol. That was fun indeed. Thanks for sharing this Del…it reminds me my childhood days with my grandparents in Bohol. Visiting from BPC# 68.
beautiful scenery Sis Deli
can’t live without it
Visiting from Green Monday, hope that you can return your green visit too.
I remember my childhood years living in the very country part of Bukidnon. We used to grow rice for our consumption and I am so good in planting them until harvest time. I missed that time, and I am proud to have been through the hardship as I have a lot to tell my kid(s) about it.

Visiting soooo late for BPC.
Pretty shot of the rice fields and the mountains in the distance. Lovely capture, thanks for sharing. Happy Scenic Sunday!
we have a lot of rice fields here too, i love the cold breeze it brings. The feeling of peace and warmth.
thanks for sharing and hope to see you again on the next green monday meme
love the sky..
gusto ko rin mga ganayng place..nakakawala ng stress..
Super late visiting from BPC # 68…have a nice day! My Entry for Iris Blog Photo Challenge