Asia Europe Middle East & Africa

My Top 3 Dream Destinations

It is summertime in this part of the world, the Philippines, and during this time, a number would be thinking of going away, travelling for a summer break. And for this month of April, the country (which is predominantly Catholic) had holidays from work beginning April 5-6 (Holy Thursday and Holy Friday). April 9, Monday had also been declared a holiday; it is “Araw ng Kagitingan” (Day of Valor) which commemorates the Fall of Bataan during World War II.  Actually, I would like to say more about the Fall of Bataan, but I will have to do that in another upcoming post.
Now back to the loooong holiday which started on April 5 and then goes on until the 9th (with April 7- 8 sandwiched in between, a Saturday and a Sunday). Admittedly, I was caught unaware of the long break until about the 3rd of April so my hubby and I hadn’t plan on any out-of-town trip. At any rate, the long break got me to thinking and listing down my top 3 dream destinations which I do hope to visit sometime within the next 3-5 years. Here they are:
1. Israel. You might wonder why this country tops my list. The answer is simple. I’ve grown up reading the Bible and I would like to set my feet on the places I’ve read about 🙂
2. Greece and the European Continent. I would love to explore Europe one day but particularly Greece. Greece is in the Southern part of Europe but politically part of Western Europe. Why Greece? Simply because modern Greece traces its roots to the Greece we know in our history class, the cradle of Western civilization. Democracy, Philosophy, the Olympics and the beginnings of Western literature – we can not separate them from its birthplace, ancient Greece. I would also love to visit England, France and Rome.
3. China. This is one country in the East which continually fascinates me. I enjoy its food and even its movies but particularly, I have enjoyed friendships from people whose ancestors come from this land. I would also love to see the Great Wall of China someday.
Do take note that I also have top destinations within my country of birth, the Philippines. I would be writing a post on these as well very soon.
I have heard that if you want something to get done, you must list it down. When you do so, you have taken the first step in making it a reality. What about you? Start listing down your dream destinations and let’s begin our journey in making these travels happen 🙂
The Coliseum in Rome, Italy. Italy is one of the most populous country in Europe.

5 thoughts on “My Top 3 Dream Destinations”

  1. i hope we can travel to those places too…and that’s a beautiful shot! visiting late from Thursday Brownies, hope you can visit me back. thanks and have a great week. 🙂

  2. i should also make my own list of my dream places! here for a very late WW visit, Lors! hope to see you at WW this week!

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