
Here Comes The Merry Month

The month of December is finally here! Many would say that it is their favorite time of the year. And not only because there is an abundance of gifts to open but because the greatest gift of having a Savior is specially celebrated during this month.
While my hubby and I may not do some travelling this Christmas for a change, it has not stopped me from considering Β where we would travel in the months ahead as the year 2013 rolls in. I have a scheduled trip in January but I will be writing more about that when January comes πŸ™‚ Β I hope that my hubby and I will also have an international trip by next year. But as you know, we can make all these plans but there are many things to consider. Our last international trip together was in 2011 yet.
Well, there are more travel posts yet to be written for the month especially on my trip to Bohol and Cebu. Ah, a lot of aspects on those trips are still begging to be written. And I will do so before December bids good bye πŸ™‚

Christmas is in the air πŸ™‚

Β Note: This post is also linked with Blog Photo ChallengeΒ and Wednesday Whites.

13 thoughts on “Here Comes The Merry Month”

  1. Beautiful Christmas tree Sis Deli πŸ™‚ Thank you for joining the BPC, do appreciate it mwah πŸ™‚ I hope you and your husband will travel international next year and have the best time of your life πŸ™‚

  2. this place is very familiar… i think this is in BQ! hehehe.. i miss home! i miss Christmas there! haay! anyways, hope all your travel plans for 2013 will take place Te Deli! have a blessed Christmas! bpc hop!

  3. that christmas tree is huge. or are those three christmas trees? i couldn’t tell. but anyway, the colors of Christmas are beautiful. visiting here for WW. will be back tomorrow for my other entry..

  4. It is my favorite time of the year, too… and I miss how we Filipinos celebrate it in the Philippines! Great photo, lors! BPC hop…

  5. as the song says its the most wonderful time of the year. thats whats on the radio right now as i type here. lol. Christmas is my fave month also, Because its my bday as well. πŸ˜‰ double. celebration, double gift. hehehe
    from bpc

  6. Awww! Seeing that pic of yours, sis, makes me miss CDO even more. Makamingaw jud atong Pasko diha.. And ang shopping time pud. Aguy pirmi puno ang mall basta pasko.
    BPC hop!

  7. What a busy day for shoppers to enjoy shopping gifts for their family and loved ones πŸ™‚ Dropping for Wednesday Whites πŸ™‚

  8. December is really one merry and hectic month here in the Philippines. wish you’d be able to push through with your plans of international travel next year. visiting from WW for my other blog. – redlane geraine

  9. I love looking at all these colorful christmas decors. you can truly feel the spirit of Christmas by just looking at the tree and other colorful christmas stuffs

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