Between Steps

It Is Well

The first week of the year proved to be already challenging for my husband and me.  How does one brave challenges through life? Well, we do things that help us cope. Like focusing on people we love, focusing on the good things that we have been given, blessed with. I count the opportunities to travel …

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Between Steps

On Piano-Playing

Music is said to be the language of the soul. Perhaps that is why when we need to be reflective and when we need to sort out our emotions music can help us. Now more than listening to music, a number of us would like to try learning how to play it by our self. …

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Between Steps

Making Time for Music

What are the things that are important to you? Well, when asked this question we could perhaps easily rattle off some things which we say are important to us. But I think those things which are really that significant to us can be clearly identified based on the things we spent the most time on 🙂 …

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