Between Steps

Stay Strong and Steady in 2022

And so it’s 2022 and it appears our travel plans are still on hold! Well, this is the time to stay and strong steady — to remain hopeful, to wait and if you’re like me, to keep doing what can be done. And that includes praying and seeking God. Let me share to you this …

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Between Steps

Living By the Word: Psalm 91:1-4

As I bid good bye to July and welcome the month of August, I look back and realize that these verses from Psalm 91 have been part of my readings during the 1st week of July. And just as the month is now ending, these verses are again brought to my attention. These have been …

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Between Steps

Stepping On Air Again

Well, hello there! This blog actually disappeared online last January due to hosting problems. On March 2018, after almost 2 months of being nowhere on the web, this blog went live again. This time under a new host. Thanks to my brother and the assistance of my old host. However, it seemed like we could …

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