Asia Philippines

Seeking Sunsets

Sunset in Butuan City, Philippines 

Sunset in Bangkok, Thailand

My hubby and I are fond of taking sunset photos. I took the first photo above in Butuan City, Philippines while he took the second one while we were travelling in Bangkok, Thailand.
Sunsets to me signal the end of a day, a time of rest. It’s a majestic preface of the night and a visual reminder of nature’s glorious beauty and the Divine Creator behind it all 🙂
Note: This post is linked with Blog Photo Challenge, Scenic Sunday, Blue Monday, Skywatch Friday, Orange Tuesdays

23 thoughts on “Seeking Sunsets”

  1. Great sunset shots…yeah, it’s end of the day but definitely there will be tomorrow for a new beginning. Visiting from BPC #49.
    Pretty Kat

  2. same here te Deli, i love taking photos of sunsets. but lately, since the new baby arrived, i haven’t been outdoors and i have already missed seeing sunsets here sa town plaza namo… late bpc 49 visit.

  3. Very nice, the sky that you took a picture is like a painting. Visiting from Orange Tuesday, my entry is up I hope you can come to visit.

  4. been to Butuan..pero not really to stay daan lang.
    Cabad talaga pinuntahan ko..
    Thanks for joining Orange Tuesdays . Hope you can join Orange Tuesdays 39th Edition open till Saturday. Have a nice day!

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