Between Steps

A Snapshot of College Life

Once upon a time in Cebu, I tried taking up a medical related course.
I took one year of Physical Therapy and knew for sure that I could not last another year hunched over preserved life forms (like frogs and cats and then the human cadaver if I had stayed on with the course) with the smell of formalin haunting my frail existence after stepping out of the laboratory. Β It was just a year really but it was a pretty memorable year to me. Perhaps it was because I was living away from home. It was my first year of well, a kind of independence (not full independence since my parents and my sister spent for my studies and lodging). And I would say memorable because I had such cool friends, classmates in Cebu Doctors’ College (now Cebu Doctors’ University). They are still stuck in my memory – together with their laughter, jokes, songs. Who says college life, college classmates can be easily forgotten?Β 
As the digital camera was not yet a craze in the ’90s, we had so limited shots. Below is one shot thankfully taken by our good friend and classmate, Aser πŸ™‚

A fun day outside school walls

Note:Β This post is linked with Memory Lane Monday, Wednesday Whites, Thursday Brownies

13 thoughts on “A Snapshot of College Life”

  1. Oh i can relate, Del. I also spent a year taking up BS Biology and i feel so sick when early morning at 6 am we have our zoo laboratory and we face the strong smelling formalin while disecting a frog. Grrr that was not nice but memories with friends in that department was also unforgetable.
    Thanks for playing last week. Entry this week will be up later tonight.

  2. yay, like you I remember I was paralyzing a live frog and I am crying while doing it because it just stared at me as if begging mercy. but i have to do it. i can’t stand if it’s a cat or more … sensya na sa late visit sis.

  3. Oh, men! I can’t nga kahit ihi ng aso as in it makes me throw up, yung formalin pa kaya or dead bodies. Aray ko!
    Anyway, visiting from Wednesday Whites.
    Happy Wednesday!

  4. πŸ˜€ BS bio grad ako at bago at nainlab na ako sa mga laboratories sa sobrang dami:) from frog to cadaver:)
    visiting from Wednesday white:)

  5. Awww…sus, mao jud wa ko mikuha ug any medical course kay di nako ma endure ang motapad or mo tindog tapad sa cadaver waaaaaaaaaaaa… bahala ka uroy diha hehe. I love your old photo Adin. Visiting anyway from WW.

  6. awww! y’all look so happy Sis πŸ™‚ what a happy memories to cherish forever πŸ™‚ Visiting from Wednesday Whites, hope that you can return a white visit too.

  7. A good memory from your college life. I always love to be a nurse/doctor pero d nko kaya mg examen og mga kalawasan sa tao og uban pa hehe..Anyway, late visit from WW hope you can visit back thanks.

  8. awww! young and innocent smiling ladies, great friends you have Sis πŸ™‚ miss that brown mat on the wall πŸ™‚ Visiting from Thursday Brownies, hope that you can return a brown visit too.

  9. wow, everyone’s happy and with a big smile! must be fun. makes me miss my college friends and classmates, thanks to fb…we’re connected always and i make sure to see some everytime we’re in manila. πŸ™‚ visiting from Thursday Brownies, hope to see you around. thanks and have a great week. πŸ™‚

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