Between Steps

We Travel, We Eat, We Bond

If you were asked, how do you bond with your family? What would your answer be? As for me, two things come to mind: travelling and eating together. Why travelling? Because my family members as well as my husband’s are based in different parts of the Philippines and yes, even abroad. To bond together, travel …

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Between Steps

The Whole New World of Blogging

Yup, that’s right. Blogging can be a whole new world for someone who just heard about it but never really got into it. What I mean by getting into it is not just reading blogs but actually writing blog posts, maintaining a blog site. I must say, I’ve tried twice to start a blog and …

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Between Steps

Taking Care of Our Eyes

Taking care of our eyes is so important. After all, we use them every day. In fact, we use them every waking hour. One of the ways we protect our eyes is using the right kind of eye wear. To shield our eyes from the sun and from dust, wearing shades or sunglasses is essential …

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