Between Steps

Always with You & Me

Where have you been to lately?
Our travels could take us far and wide. They could take place in hours, days, weeks and months. They could even take years.
One travel could be something we could call a trip of a lifetime, or it could be something that gave us so many unexpected challenges. But I believe that we always learn something new each time we drive away, sail away or fly away.
Each time I travel, I also believe that even if I may be traveling alone, I am not really alone. I believe that God oversees us all, His children. And this verse comes to mind:
“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139: 9-10.
God is never really far. He is just there, always waiting, always calling and walking with you and me. We just need to acknowledge His presence and respond to His love for us.
Note: This post is also linked with BPC.

3 thoughts on “Always with You & Me”

  1. I like the shot! Yes, God is everywhere. We only need to pause and be still and hear His whisper. 🙂
    BPC hop!

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