Between Steps

Take a Break, Travel, Play Music

I think that traveling is one of the best ways to take a break.
Whether you travel to the next town or fly over an ocean to visit an international decision, this will take you out from your usual routine. The experience can help you see things in a new light. It refreshes your mind, challenges your perspective.
Music, on the other hand, may not mean stepping into a new physical territory like traveling but like reading, it can take you to places as well. It can bring you back to the past, it can let you re-experience the happy places in your life. And yes, it can even allow you to revisit some of the painful stops and pauses in your life. I think this is true whether you just listen to music, watch a live musical performance or whether you yourself are playing music with the piano or a Fender guitar (by the way, check out the best fender guitars).

Traveling and music. Both provide opportunities to take a break from our usual routines. Both can take us to places, and hopefully inspire you and me as we continue our own personal journeys in life.

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